| A.E. Albert: A Writer's Blog



Monday 27 June 2016

Author Interview

AW Clarke

A: What is your newest novel about? 
AW: The Love That Remains is a story about lost love. It delves into the lives of two characters from the age of eight to about thirty, whose lives are drawn together and apart several times, testing fate. 

A: What is unique about this story? 
AW: I really enjoyed writing this book. The story touches on different life struggles that young men and women might encounter while growing into adulthood. Some issues are graphic and unfortunate, while others test the boundaries of human kindness, sacrifice, and love.
A: Can we expect another love triangle, like in your first romantic novel Hooked
AW: Not quite. There is more than one person who woos Holly, our main character, but it comes at different times in the story. The Love That Remains takes quite a different path on romance than Hooked. With Hooked being more graphic and fantastical, this new novel is more relative and grounded, but touches on tangible topics throughout its plot. 

A:What was your favourite scene to write in The Love That Remains
AW: I actually have a couple of scenes that I enjoyed putting on paper. The opening scene takes the reader onto a battlefield, where the prologue sets the tone for part of the story. The other scene I really enjoyed writing was later in the book. 

All I'm going to say about it is that those of my readers who have a deep understanding of the emotion in love, will fall hard for this wonderfully intimate scene; which in my opinion, can be more powerful than a physical sex scene. Plus, the story will take you in a different direction than your average HEA romance! 

A: When can we expect your new novel out? 
AW: I'm nearly finished proofing it, but The Love That Remains will be officially released in paperback and ebook format before the end of June. 

Author bio: I’m a Toronto raised author with roots in Western Europe. A proud husband and father of three, I find it gratifying to put my thoughts on the screen while wearing my heart on my sleeve. 

A former tradesman, I ventured into the literary world in 2011, inspired by a good friend and author who showed me how beautiful it was to draw emotion from the hearts of others through the written word. 

I’m into all things with wheels and engines, from Mustangs to MGBs, and love ripping through the country on my motorcycle. When I’m not cooking or playing with my kids, I’m discussing life and relationships on my author blog: awclarkenovels.blogspot.ca. 

My second romance novel: The Love That Remains is scheduled for release by the end of June 2016. It’s a wonderful story of lost love between two destined souls, and the challenge of humanity versus destiny. 
AW Clarke 


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  2. I respect the term "the boundaries of human kindness": reality requires as much absence as presence of kindness.


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